Networked Learning Post

Twitter language

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Most of the time, I use social media for both personal and business reasons. We all regularly communicate on a variety of social media sites, including Snapchat, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter. Even though I frequently connect on YouTube, it’s one of my favorite’s social networking platforms. Additionally, I enjoy using Twitter these days to communicate with my friends and fans. I’m just getting started. I’ve never used Twitter before. As a component of the networked learning project activity for ECI 831, I started utilizing Twitter. I had no prior awareness of it, but once I started using it, it seemed interesting.

Hastages, tweeting, and tweet deck are all unfamiliar terms to me. But after reading various articles and watching videos on YouTube, I’ve learnt more about these things. Even if I was unaware of quotes and the practice of posting others’ quotes on our own accounts. I enjoy using the hashtag #eci831 to share other people’s quotes in the classroom. Even though I’ve added a caption to my profile and associated my website with a login, anyone can see it thanks to those updates. Overall, I think that I can now handle Twitter and grasp its language. I’m having a great time and am happy that Twitter has helped me.

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In my opinion, Twitter is a really valuable tool for both personal and business purposes. Twitter is used for the following purposes in personal life:

  1. In my opinion, everyone can tweet on other posts as per their preferences, viewpoints, and opinions whenever they like, share their personal information with others, and connect with others.
  1. Compared to other social media, it is, in my opinion, one of the most used social media networks.
  2. The ability to stay up to current with followers’ most recent updates.

However, in terms of professionalism. It proves to be really beneficial.

  1. Twitter, in my opinion, offers a chance to advance our careers and market our expertise to businesses. A résumé with a “career marketing” page on it, can provides us an opportunity to be quickly connected to businesses, banks, institutions, and other organizations.
  2. People who are experiencing a variety of mental health concerns can simply contact their doctors with the use of twitter.
  3. The teachers found it to be really helpful in the classroom. It will help me, for example, in my future classroom.
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

It enables me to exchange information on classes I have completed and will be teaching in the future, just like in my future classroom. Furthermore, it gives me the chance to continue reminding the pupils about their assignments. However, in the classroom, it serves as a research tool for my students. By giving the children the freedom to learn from others, it also promotes learning. Despite the fact that they are able to subscribe, look up persons and subjects, and follow pertinent hashtags. In addition, my students can able to share their knowledge with a wider audience.

In terms of speech, Twitter is useless, in my opinion. One is not permitted to reveal their bad views in front of the public, just as we must have to be takecare of public opinions and thoughts. However, from a character standpoint, it is not a useful tool. It’s like each and every tweet have a charter constraints. Due to character constraints, however, there are times when we must write more text than is necessary. According to me, that seems to be of no use due to that.

Finally, I can now communicate on Twitter. It’s a fascinating and useful tool. I like to share my posts as well as resources with the twitter instead of another social media.

Thanks for Reading

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